
This beautiful, listed property has been the beloved home for just a chosen few throughout its many years, dating right back to the original build in the 13th Century. And now is the time for you to write your own chapter in the fascinating story of Sinclair House.

As you investigate the house, you’ll notice different eras reflected, according to its use throughout the years.

The house, originally a rectory, always had a close connection with the Norman church opposite, and nearby castle, and grew in size following a major extension by Revd Francis Peck in 1676, then the Georgian façade added by Revd Thomas Randolph and further expansion by Archdeacon Croft (see photo) in the Victorian era.

Priests had lived here for hundreds of years until the church sold the house into the private ownership of Colonel and Mrs Bryan in 1928. Since then, the house has had very few owners. A property investment company bought it from the Bryans in 1966, but the house was left unoccupied for ten years before being purchased by a local architect in 1976. The current family owner purchased the house in 2012 with a clear vision to turn it into the magical destination we are now proud to share with you.